Jeremy Stoppelman - Yelp

Jeremy Stoppelman, Yelp CEO, Emerce Magazine

Jeremy Stoppelman, Yelp CEO, Emerce Magazine

I had a great time shooting Jeremy Stoppelman, the CEO of Yelp, for Emerce Magazine.  Doing a little research on Jeremy before the shoot, his first job was at @Home Networks (a long defunct Cable ISP).  Before I was a photographer I was a network engineer at Cisco Systems.  I was assigned to @Home and we would have been working there at the same time.  That was so long ago I can't remember much from those days, but maybe we crossed paths.  

Sometimes I wonder what I'd be doing now if I hadn't left the tech world back then.  Maybe I'd have started a wildly successful company like Yelp and be worth hundreds of millions... or, I might have just started the next GeoCities.

Jeremy Stoppelman at the new Yelp headquarters.

Jeremy Stoppelman at the new Yelp headquarters.

Jeremy Stoppelman at Yelp's new headquarters,

Jeremy Stoppelman at Yelp's new headquarters,