Guitar Face

As I've posted about in the past (here and here), I love guitars and have a few despite how poorly I play them.  So, it gave me the idea to start a series of guitarists portraits.  One day I was talking about the project with makeup artist Veronica Sjoen on a shoot and she mentioned that she knew the guitarists in a couple of local bands.  So with Veronica doing makeup and Tietjen Fischer doing the styling we got the project underway with two local guitarists.

It was a great shoot.  Usually on a studio shoot I have music going, but this time we had a live show.  Although, we did have the neighbors come by because of the noise, but thankfully they were cool and understood when we told them what we were doing... so we were able to keep playing (it just wouldn't have been the same if we had to turn off the amp).

Above is Bryan of Trip Device and he's playing a 1957 Gibson Les Paul Goldtop reissue (just like mine actually).  The shot above is just a quick grab of one of the images I liked.  I'm still going through the images of both guitarists, so I should have some final images ready to post soon.  It turns out Tietjen knows a kick ass chick guitarist and we'll hopefully be doing a shoot with her and another guitarist soon.

Here's a quick behind the scenes clip from the shoot: httpvh://