Blackberry Smoke @ The Fillmore

Blackberry Smoke The Fillmore

Blackberry Smoke The Fillmore

I photographed Blackberry Smoke at The Fillmore for the site DITLO a couple months back.  The images are now up on the DITLO site.  I had a great time hanging out with the band.  They were all extremely welcoming to having me follow them around for part of their day.  I started the day with them doing an acoustic concert in South Park for Rhapsody and after that headed over to The Fillmore.  The show was amazing but the highlight for me was watching the sound check.  At that point it was just them jamming on stage going through their  set and throwing in some Allman Brothers classics.

Later on the tour bus we got to talking Allman Brothers and their influence on the band.  Paul Jackson, the lead singer and guitarist, showed me his new copy of the Duane Allman boxed set Skydog and I told him about the mint "pink label" first pressing of The Allman Brothers At Fillmore East  (which has the best version of Stormy Monday) I had just found at a flea market the weekend before (for $8!).

The crowd at the show was pretty intense.  Blackberry Smoke definitely has some hard core fans.  After every show the band does a meet and greet with a select number of fans who are all extremely excited to meet with the band.

It was a great night and a great show.  And, unlike the last shoot I did for DITLO at The Fillmore, it didn't end with me being violently ill from food poisoning... so that's a good thing.  Head over to DITLO to see more images from the day.

Blackberry Smoke Charlie Starr

Blackberry Smoke Charlie Starr

Blackberry Smoke Charlie Starr

Blackberry Smoke Charlie Starr

Blackberry Smoke Paul Jackson

Blackberry Smoke Paul Jackson

Blackberry Smoke Fillmore Audience

Blackberry Smoke Fillmore Audience

Blackberry Smoke Brandon Still

Blackberry Smoke Brandon Still

Blackberry Smoke The Fillmore

Blackberry Smoke The Fillmore

Blackberry Smoke Brit Turner

Blackberry Smoke Brit Turner

Blackberry Smoke Richard Turner

Blackberry Smoke Richard Turner

Blackberry Smoke Gear

Blackberry Smoke Gear

Blackberry Smoke The Fillmore

Blackberry Smoke The Fillmore

Blackberry Smoke Charlie Starr

Blackberry Smoke Charlie Starr

Blackberry Smoke Charlie Starr

Blackberry Smoke Charlie Starr